Speech development refers to the sounds that children say, how clear their speech is.
Language development refers to a child’s ability to understand and use words (eg. How many words they use in a sentence, vocabulary).
Speaking clearly is a skill that children develop over the first 5-7 years of their life. Your child may produce a sound incorrectly at first, but will often self-correct as they mature.
This treehouse shows the average age children learn to pronounce English consonant sounds correctly.

How much should we be able to understand a child's speech?
Speech sound errors are common among children learning to talk. These errors are a normal part of speech development and normally resolve at different ages as children learn how to coordinate the movements of their jaw, lips, and tongue. When a child is unable to self-correct a speech sound and/or is not producing sounds expected for their age, they will then require the guidance of a speech pathologist (SP) to support their speech development.
Speech sound disorders can relate to both articulation and phonological errors.
Occur when a child has difficulty with the oral placement of their tongue, lips, and jaw to produce a sound. For example: an interdental lisp occurs when the tongue protrudes between the upper and lower teeth to produce sounds such as ‘s’ and ‘z’, as opposed to elevating up to the hard palate behind the upper teeth.